Friday, December 20, 2024

Music and thoughts

Koto lesson yesterday. Was long. Mostly lots of talking. Shirley didn't win the competition, but enjoyed getting to see Japan, and mount Fuji, she says it's lucky to be able to see it, as it sometimes is covered in clouds.  She also got to see her relatives, and bought socks fitted exactly to her feet. And loved the park with swans, and a place that had hot springs.

I'd been practicing a koto song for three weeks, called Sunset. It's a really beautiful song. I've really enjoyed learning it. I like the meditation of playing it. 

Though, when I went to play it for my teacher, it didn't sound like I had practiced it. 

Had to really focus, and the fear bubble that popped up was real big. 

Trying to be present with it all, has been challenging. 

 Ah well...

We do our best. And sometimes, I guess it's a challenge love ourselves, despite how we manifest, and be as present as we can with the beautiful things, and also the not so beautiful things---the notes that don't come out how we plan. And if we can, with God's help, it is all beautiful.

Maybe that's the whole point. To love what is. To love the love behind what is.

To love---that is the most perfect thing I feel anyone of us can ever do. That we are so much more than any of these things we see, and do, and work at. We are the love. 

And perhaps, by making our (so called mistakes) we are saying, to each other, and ourselves, by loving no matter what shows up, the truth behind it all. 

That we are love. That you are love. It's okay. Look. I am not this, and neither are you. 

We are much more than these things.

No competition. No amount of practicing will make you more lovable.  No right notes, or wrong notes.

And to be present in life. 

Is a gift. One we give to each other. So we know. That love is.

Love isn't a condition. 

It is a space.

The most real thing I know.

The knowing.

 Its easy to say.

Sometimes harder to live.

But spirit knows. And tells me this truth, always. 



Three things that make me smile.

Three things I'm grateful for.

Kids, their honesty. 

Things that make laugh. 

Grateful for Cannon in D. Bess taught me to play it on the Ukulele.  Bess and I have always liked cannon in D. And this Chicken one, is well, pretty epic. 

You'll see why. 

I don't really know why these came to mind today. But another one that I have found really fun to watch is another chicken one, of a guy yodeling.  Sorry it does have a bit of language. But I thought it was fun to watch. And his voice is beautiful.

Also, this song came on pandora yesterday evening while I was washing dishes. I wrote the name down, so I could find it again. I thought was beautiful. I guess the theme of today is Asian. 

Have a beautiful day, always.

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