Sunday, July 21, 2024

A very good day.

 Today was a very good day. And though there have been some very difficult moments, and some hard bits, it's been a beautiful month, if I took and piled up all the beautiful kind things, and people, and love, and sunsets, and sunrises, and good things, and good vibes that just float in, so wonderfully, it would be quite a list.




Rainbows in the form of sun dogs, everywhere. Vivid ones.



Open hearts.


Present moments.


Loving neighbors.



A beautiful Rosemary plant.




Kind words.



Comfry leaves. 

Good friends.


God's Alchemy even when I wasn't sure.

Love still found its way through the cracks---even in the hard bits, there has always been a silver lining, where God clears away something, and something better always comes.

It rained buckets last night, so I had to pack up my tent, and sleep indoors. Because Bess is under a tree, her tent is a little more protected. So she went back out, during the night.

My bedding got wet, and so did the inside of my tent. So I stayed inside. 

 But I just set my tent up again, so I'm excited for the fresh air, and the moon is full tonight. It's just really a nice evening.

Bess, I and Amylia had a very nice play practice, today, though it was so baking hot on the the stage. One kid had sunburn that was quite miserable looking---from a previous event. I had brought some of my comfry cream that I'd just made. Actually, I can't say I made it alone. As it felt like it was doing itself. Someone brought us some olive oil to make some more with. And someone else brought us bees wax, and essential oils, and comfry leaves. Bess was the one who first taught me how to do it. So technically, I just put the ingredients together. 

Anywhow, so we put some on his burns, I hope it helped.  There was another person who had just got hurt from his horse not behaving, it was smaller horse, and he was trying to hook it up to a little wagon (to use it as the wells Fargo wagon) the day before. But it bolted or something, and the wagon really got him, so he was bruised. He also got some cream. Then there was another person who had hurt his back lifting a too heavy box, on the 24th or 25th of December, and it had still been hurting him, so he got some cream too. 

Amylia brought a big umbrella, that saved the piano players, that were baking in the sun. She also brought a little pressure thingy, that misted water. So we took turns misting everyone one on stage, to keep us cool. And for the most part, it was quite fun, and I felt like we were all trying. And that is beautiful. 

There is a lot of sets to be painted, and designed, and Bess volunteered, so we will also be helping with that. I also hope others help, too, as it is a big job.

Then when we got home, we helped Amylia get her very heavy ride on lawn mower, unstuck as it got stuck in sandy dirt. And it's really, really a heavy thing. And at first it would not budge.   I got a shovel, and shoveled the dirt away from the tires, and then we all three of us pulled it out. That was satisfying. We have so much fun together, Amylia has such a big heart, she makes Bess and I both laugh. Which is real nice.

Then I got some much needed cleaning done in the kitchen and bathrooms.

It was getting late, and Bess and I both wanted to swim, but the canal was empty, and we thought perhaps it was too late to go to the rez. But Bess asked Amilya if she wanted to come, and she did. So we three went to the rez. And we swam, and showed Aamilya our favorite spot, we call the cove, that is hidden by most swimmers. It's just a nice little place, surrounded by green, though last year they dug out a lot of the trees. But the green is growing back again, and little while flowers are growing there.  We all swam and enjoyed the sun setting. And the beautiful mirror-like reflections on the water. I swam up to the shore, and slipped, and found the mud was very slick-clay. Amilya likes mud, and so I gave her some. It was very much moon--mud like my nieces, and nephew's would call it.
I handed her some mud, and she promptly smeared all over her face, and around her eyes. I did the same thing, and we both looked quite funny swimming around with mud covered faces, our eyes, peering out through the water, and mud. 
When we got home, my little sister, wanted to do fireworks off, as everyone in my town is celebrating pioneer day, today, instead of the 24th, like they usually do. I got my ear muffs on, and watched her, my brother, and my nephew light fireworks. Mom, Sarah and Bessie too. 
I also got my singing bowls out, and Bess and I sang, to the singing bowls. 
The moon was bright, and full, and beautiful. 

While I was tiding up the kitchen, I was listening to some music, and this song came on as an add, to interrupt my normal playlist. I stopped, and had to watch it, and though it was quite lovely. 

So I'm sharing this here. 

I'm real sleepy, so goodnight.



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