Sunday, September 22, 2024





     Surrender, surrender.

 I wave my little flag.

Surrender, surrender, the autumn leaves say.

Letting go of the branch. And letting the wind carry them away.

Surrender surrender.

The ocean cries, surrender surrender, and let the salt baptize.

Surrender, surrender, the sun speaks as it gives way to the twilight moon.

Surrender surrender the sunrise calls out, cutting the gloom.

Surrender surrender, the seasons wheel sings.

Telling us of the beauty of giving away its most precious things.

Surrender surrender, the ground calls out, letting seeds break through and flowers come out.

Surrender surrender the song of the chick and the egg.

Surrender the silence, and surrender the sound.

Each dancing together, round and round.

Surrender surrender.

God’s spirit speaks to me.

Let go of what you thought yourself to be.

Let go of fighting.

Let go of war.

Let go of needing to be something more.

Let go of your tears, and let them free.

Let go of needing anyone to change.

Let go of charging a fee.

Let go of your grudges.

And holding so tight.

To the past. Or the future. Or what ifs and the mights.

Let go of your worries.

Let go of your fears.

Let of all the wasted years.

Let go of your troubles.

Let go of your woes.

Surrender the things you thought were your foes.

Let go of needing to be right, or heard.

Let go of your guilt, let go of your shame.

Let go of every bit of the past.

Let go of blame.

Let go of pushing.

And working so hard.

Let go of all those things you thought you are.

Surrender surrender.

The word, and the page.

Surrender, to God’s hand and let yourself be covered by grace.

And so on this field, where many have fought.

The echoes of battles, and so many wars.

Here on this field.

I lay down my ego.

For it is wearing thin.

A garment much to encumbering.

Not much space to move around in.

I surrender into a place much more spacious and good.

Surrender. Surrender.

I have no one to fight.

No one to oppose.

No one to be wrong, or right.

Surrender. Surrender.

I lay me down by a stream.

By green pastures, here, I dream.

Surrender, surrender.

I give my life to God.

There are too many fighting, windmills, and searching high, and low.

Looking for some kingdom, some land, something to conquer, some foe.

Surrender, surrender.

What is there to get?

Look at the places where kings once slept.

Nothing to look at.

Only crumbling walls.

Surrender, surrender, spirit speaks in my ear.

Give up your time.

And let God give your courage to work through the fear.

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