Monday, September 9, 2024

God's Yoga



Dear blog, 


 I'm feeling more peaceful, and myself. 


Life has been a very good school.

And family can be your greatest gurus. 

I watched a youtube video that really made a lot of sense. He said that it's nice when life expands you, and you fold out and grow. It feels good. 

And then life contracted you, and generally don't feel too good.

He said that accepting both makes your spirit flexible. So that when you expand out, you don't shatter, if you have a contracting moment. 

And it makes sense, I feel. For many times, if you don't have the inner blueprint to match the outer, your expansion won't have a good frame for your house.

So I suppose, if life contracts you, know God is teaching you Yoga.

Flex, strech, grow. Big little. 

Whatever shape life asks you to be, this is just a yoga position. And it may change. God is growing you, perfectly.

And then, you might be asked to river dance. Or do the polka, or to sit very still. Or to be a leader in a big way. Or be simple, or small a servant, and wash feet. Or to be the feet, or to be the hands, or the water washing the feet.

Teaching myself here.  It's much easier to say all this when you're not bent over, in some weird place, trembling, like in the game Twister, and you wonder how long you're going to be able to stay in one place, until someone rolls, "right hand Green." And you get place your hand or leg in a much more comfortable position. 

And you breathe, and say, ah, this is alright. We can do this. And God shows you how blessed you are in so very many ways. 

This life school, and its teachers are all part of the perfect dance. And it's a gift to see it it. A gift to know what it is to feel my own heart. And to be able to feel others. To know how to look at light and dark, and see the canvas, and the paint, and all the colors, as God's handiwork, crafting moment by moment, a masterpiece. 


The day after our adventure with Ameila, the sunrise and sun set were so beautiful, and kind of cool how the looked very similar. 

The rest of the photos are the sunset that same day. 

The beginning of the sunset really looked similar to the sunrise.

Then we started taking pictures of the water too.


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