Saturday, September 21, 2024

Poem to the Silence


                Poem to the Silence


 Dear present silence.

                        All encompassing sound. I see that there have been many words.

                Thoughts floating around.

                Lots of tongues keep moving. Keep clouding the air.

                Many words, so many, my poor ears have need of repair.

                Words some hot, and some cold. Some full of goodness, others words that make you feel old.

                They come in, and try to unpack, unfolding suitcases, and emptying out bulging backpacks.


                That unfold and fill the room.

                Looking for you, as you madly vacuum.

        Catching words right and left, you wonder if you have any of your own spaces left.

                And often times I’ve wondered, how to remain.




        It felt I had to shove.

        When words shoved right in.

        I thought I had to fight the words, and stand my ground.  

        Say things back, and fill all the sound.

        I thought I had to clash and fight, against the words swinging left and right.

        Now, as I see how the silents sits.

        Lingers, and moves and has no lips.

        I see how well the space expands.

        And never fights, or makes demands.

        I see how well it stays its natural shape.

        Silent presence.



        Allows all words.

        And has room for more.

        It, unshakable.



A space for thought, and words, and sound.

A beautiful place.

God's playground.

        Oh to allow the space to speak.

        To feel its knowing, and never see silence as weak.

        To stand at the cusp of all thought, looking along with the silence.

        And never feeling taken up.

        So here is my small request.

        To know the silence and allow it to teach.

And to be brave when it asks me to speak.

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