Tuesday, March 26, 2024



March 17, 2024




Those are todays colors.

Today was real nice.

Nice because it was just an isness day. Isness. Just beautiful, and calm.

An ambient day, where the earth hums happily.

And the sun shines brighter.

And everything is calm.

Bess and I worked on each other’s backs, in a soft patch of earth away from the road. We like to find patches of earth, and be in nature. The sun was so nice. We are always massaging and working on each other’s backs.  It’s something we started doing, mostly because our muscles started waking up, when we started cleansing, and so did sore patches. Bess had scoliosis when she was a teenager. Now, it’s much better, nearly straight now, for all the things we’ve been doing.

And the previous few days have been music days. So much music days.

So today feels like a sabbath.


Beautiful, beautiful sunshine.


Because the sun is warming the earth, and you can see grasses, and bulbs, and living things peaking their heads out of the ground.

My greenhouse has seen better days. I had three types of patchwork roofing, yet, for all its dilapidated ness, the alfalfa is growing, I planted just before the autumn. I watered it a few days ago, and it grew some. And today I harvested my first little handful, and made a nice cup of alfalfa juice, with lemon, and stevia. Shared a gulp with my mom, and then shared the rest with Bess, on the porch.

It was nice.

And green.

And delicious.

And fresh.

Like spring should taste. 


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