Dear blog,
These past few weeks have felt difficult for me. As I'm sure it has been for many.
At times like these. I like to remind myself, that God is love. And no matter what, love transforms all things, and makes new, and heals all things.
Seeing how hard it is for all of us, to find that space of loving ourselves, all of ourselves. Seeing now hard we have all been on each other. Not knowing that we are all one.
Seeing how some parts of us reject other parts, like a body that forgets its other hand. But we are all one body.
And the heart knows this, and tells this truth always, even if some parts forget.
The heart pumps blood to all parts, its truth it sings out, over and over, without ceasing.
We are one, it says, over and over. To the head, and eyes, and ears.
Children's hearts know this.
And so, to go back to your own childhood heart, however you can do this.
Helps you to remember. Your truth.
To look at all things with a heart, and eyes of a child. You remember your innermost being.
Seeing how beautiful we all start off, so full of love, and curiosity, and joy.
And its good to remind ourselves of our true natures, to go back.
To those beginning places. To the looking Glass of God.
The heart.
To look at all the things that remind us, of who awe are, so we can always hold space for that real place.
Being able to be an aunt to so many nieces and nephews, I feel like I've been able to be a mother in the best sense. As I get to take them back to the places I love most. And they take me back too, to the places I love best about myself.
Nonsensical places.
Where we remind each other, despite what we've been told.
That our hearts are good.
Oh so beautiful, and good.
And to play, and go on long walks, and dig your feet into the mud, and look for rainbows, and birds. To watch the sky. To paint, and scribble, and make music, for the fun of it. To explore and laugh, for no reason.
These things are beautiful.
Watching clouds.
Hugging trees.
Loving animals.
Staring at bugs.
Timeless, things, and timeless places. A child's heart remind you.
Building huts.
Gathering shells, and glass, and bits of glittery things, old butterfly wings, and dandelions.
Freckles, and frizzy hair.
Clothes that don't match, but feel comfy.
Funny jokes that don't make much sense.
Brave to try knew things, brave to let yourself learn, and grow. To forgive, and share.
Brave to let yourself cry, and feel all the things you feel.
Hugs, and soft embraces.
How beautiful it is. And that I am often reminded when I look into the eyes of a child, that paradise is to be found, in such looking glasses, so clear.
And nature, too, reminds us all, how close heaven is.
How serene Gods mind.
How beautiful the heart is.
No matter the clouds.
The sky, of our being is flawless.
The heart's love, endless.
The soul, deathless.
The mind of God, fixed this unchanging love, that never forsakes us.
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