Wednesday, August 7, 2024




Love is learning.

How to be present with itself. 

                Love is remembering its glory once lost to itself.

          Love is learning to love itself.

                 Love is remembering how good it is to love itself.

              Love is re-learning how to trust its own goodness.

                    Love is learning how to believe in itself.

               Love is learning how to know its own love.

                     Love, for the longest time was blind. And thought itself a beggar, as it gave its shining golden light away.

                  And thought itself not good enough.

                      Love didn’t know how to follow itself, because it didn’t know it was love.  There wasn’t enough light to see by, because it didn’t see itself.

      Until love learned to love love, it didn’t know who it really  was.               Until love started trusting itself, it didn’t know who to trust in, and who to follow.

               Love is learning to follow itself.

Love now feels itself, loves itself. And is no longer blind.

                    Love is learning to let go of what it wasn’t so it knows what it is.

            Love is learning how to share itself without fear, to trust that its own love will come back, because it knows, love, if it is real, never devalues, and only grows.

                   Love is starting to believe in itself. Slowly, but surely, it sees how good it is, to love its own love.             

  To trust that it doesn’t have to hold itself in, or hold back, or hold onto anything, but the knowing of its own expansive, eternal, undying nature.

    Love is learning that it doesn’t have to be afraid.

          Love is learning that it doesn’t have to be small.

   Love is learning to give itself away, trusting itself again and again, that it won’t die, and won’t go out, and won’t be left alone, and will always have enough of itself to give again, and again.

Because it sees.

How good, it truly is.

       Love is learning that it is light. Its starting to see itself reflected back in hearts ready to receive it.

                    Love is planting seeds, and seeing itself grow in another.

           Love is walking on water, and love is the one it is following onto the water.

                         Love is healing itself. Love is loving itself. Love is without scars, and without flaw. It has told no lies, and has never sinned. 

Love has never died.

Love is eternal. 

Love is the greatest truth love knows.

                  Love is shining its light, and now sees how beautiful it is.

                               Love is being reborn again, and again.

                     Love is learning the wisdom of its own birthright.

            For ages it didn’t know how good it was. For ages, it didn’t see itself. For ages it was told it wasn’t enough. For ages it was shamed into submission, and feared its own light.

                 Now love sees itself, knows itself, and loves itself, and is growing, one heartbeat at time, echoed in the hearts of those who have forgotten their own love.

        Now love is returning.

       Light is shining.

       Love never stops, or goes out.

       A rebirth is happening.

                                Love sees itself. And knows it is good.

                            And it grows, and is reborn, and is living.

                              Love is not afraid of sharing itself.

                                For it believes in itself.

                              Love trusts itself.

                     And love follows itself.

                          And how delicious it is. 

                                        Love is no longer blind.

                                      Love no longer gropes.

                         Love sees its own beauty echoed in the cosmos.

                          Love remembers, and steps into its own goodness.

                        Love has faith in itself. 

        Once love has seen, and known its own goodness, no matter how dark it is, it light shines, forever.

Love has faith that grow wings as it learns to trust in its own love. That it will not dry up, or diminish, or fade, as it gives itself away.

            It only grows.

         Only expands.

                        Love is the only armor love needs. 

Love is the truest mirror you'll ever look into.

                                 Love knows of the oneness behind the many.

                      The light shining through the shadows.

                   The light shining in the darkness.

           Love is remembering, and waking itself up.

Love no longer knows itself as only an outcast.

It knows itself in the entire cast, even if some cannot see it, yet.

It sees itself, and knows its own light.

Love has seen itself painted in the foreground, and background, and in the sky, and all things. It has seen itself written into the hearts of those who know it, and love love.

                  Love is no longer invisible to itself.

           Love knows how beautiful it truly is.


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