Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Cracking the code

 This blog post is written for the sensitive humans of this world. 

The empaths.

The Karma eaters.

The ones that take things in, and eat what is given them. Digest whatever they get, into love, and gold.

For the ones who turn darkness into wisdom.

Sorrow into song.

Song into love. A beautiful harmony. 

For the ones with a seeing, that sees beyond form.

For the ones who know their souls.

For the ones who love their inner palace, of peace.

Those who know that Peace is power.

Who know their own calm.

Who radiate the power of love, beaming out Oneness, wherever they go.

Who know that Oneness is a shield. A love protecting, pointing to a hidden kingdom, slowly becoming more and more visible, the more we know, together.

A kingdom a harmony. And give away that blueprint by their very essence.

This is for the sensitive people that get oftentimes get overwhelmed by all the information and feelings they feel when in a crowd of people.

For the people who go out to give, and not to get.

To love, and love more.

My whole life I’ve been very sensitive to energy. And apparently I thought I was feeling all these things, just coming from me.

And it was so muchy. But just knowing a bit, that my real self, my real soul self, is always at home.

Always at ease.


And protected, and only made of love.

Is a beautiful knowing. And one that all sensitive souls should know. So they don't get lost when a dark mirror tells them stories.

After spending many years meditating, and learning how to be with myself. Cleansing. Knowing that myself my real self feels, soft, very loving. Warm. Gentle. Calm.  Very at home in me. Very open, very at peace.

I realize, that as I go out.

I’m picking up on a lot of information. Lots of frequencies.

Yesterday, at choir is always interesting.

Sometimes I feel the energy is very low, and heavy. And then sometimes it shifts, and is wonderful.

And sometimes I go, and feel like I get a package of love.

So much feedback.  And sometimes it’s so much it’s almost like I feel numb afterward. Like there’s a big block in many hearts, from some part of themselves, the part of my own self which I love and know.

Almost like souls picked up some untrue codes, that need a code breaker.

Someone to know a different code.

A code cracker.

A knowing that is unshaken.

That can withstand any storm.

A stillness unbreakable.

The Christ code.

Always reborn, and love undying. 

The fire of spirit, and truth, and love always finding a home.

To reignite in a heart full of the oil of love.

The grace code beyond the rules that have kept us small. 

Sometimes it feels very interesting, because sometimes I'll go places, and visit some people, and think I don't ever want to go back. 

And then spirit tells me to, anyway, and the energy has changed, and I feel like I'm given a gift, yet again. And so, I can never tell from one day to the next, what it is, I am to do. Sometimes the most onry people, are the ones that suprise me the most.

Sometimes my sister Bessie and I will go together, places, sometimes alone. And it's beautiful to see, real time, to follow love, and see how spirit works. Using our unique gifts, to soften and smooth energetic wrinkles.

And it's all very interesting, and curious.

Sometimes when the energy is really wonky, it causes a homesickness for my self, my real self.

For my natural state.

So I sometimes have to feel my way back. And cry, and just be with myself until I feel my inner calm again.

At least, that's they way I'm understanding it. 

It was also very curious. Bess and I walked outside for a bit, to get some sunshine and air, while another music group was practicing. And there was a ball game going on, tons of kids, and parents there.

I felt a wave of fear, and nervousness.

It was intense and overwhelming, and for a minute I thought it was coming from me.

Maybe the me that is also in them. But it was confusing. I knew I was a little nervous, but not quite that intensely.

I went back inside.

The feeling subsided.

Went back outside.

The feeling came back, huge.

I and I thought, oh my goodness, that crowd of kids and parents are really scared.

Bess's also gets feedback, similar in some ways, and different. She can sense when people are hungry, (for food) or are in physical pain, and often times is very communicative in the natural world, looking out for many physical needs, of people as she senses them.  And often times gets pings when people need something.

It's all very curious.

And so, as it seems very odd. Probably mental sounding to most people. But this is how I'm interpreting it.

But as I come back to myself, more and more, I wonder what it is I am to do with this information.

Maybe see it.

And learn to come back to my home. My heart. 

Yesterday just driving past houses.

I got real heart feedback.

I looked at my sister, and said, I think someone in that house is very sad.

And so.

I’m not sure how to function in this world.

Yet, I wouldn't change it. For it is beautiful. Because this knowing, you get direct feedback on how your you effects those around you.

You only desire the best for those around you, no matter how lost they may be.

You only desire to love them.

And help ease suffering as best you can.

And maybe, this was how were were all suppose to be.

To know that we are one, we feel others as ourselves. And so, maybe one by on--- one knowing at a time, the crack of the ego gets wider, until we all know that we are one, one day, one person at a time.

No matter the costume.

Or how we show up.

The truth of that oneness is a knowing that cracks all codes.

Disarms all weapons. 

Resuscitates souls.

Wakens hearts.

Even if you are the only one knowing it.

It is enough crack for the light to get through, somewhere. 

Even nature and animals appreciates you seeing it beyond its form. Appreciates being appreciated also for its form.

That is also how it knows itself better.

And the fear vanishes into that higher knowing.

And so, in the meantime, my life is my walking meditation.

And to have an anchor point, of that knowing, is my blessing in my life. 

A still point.

That I will always love.

To feel so much, is a gift, a superpower.

So if you are one of these souls, who feels many things.

Know you are not alone.

You are a Alchemist, of energy.

A Seer of seeing beyond what is. To a greater is.

How beautiful it is.

It is a spiritual gift. You might not have understood it before.

But to feel so much, and to know others as yourself.

You can navigate better, and love yourself, and others better.

You can with God's help, be a healer, and help make whole, things that are broken, and in need of your light. By loving.

And seeing a truth, beyond what is manifest.

Your heart knows the truth, and it is beaming out its signal everyday, every hour, and every minute.

Its natural truth.

How lucky we are.

To know it.

Thank you for your being.

Your essence.

Your goodness.

Your stillness.

Your quiet waters.

For your calm.

It ripples out into the cosmos.

And beams out light into the darkness.

And changes the very nature of consciousness.  

As love sees itself, and knows its true form.

And is reborn.


The Kiffness X Haiku


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