Sunday, June 2, 2024

Singing Crickets


Today was a beautiful Sunday. It was sunny. And warm, and good.

Our friend Amy—or Amelia, came over, and we floated down the canal together. It was a little shallow, like bathtub shallow, but it was still refreshing, and beautiful, and fun. And it’s surprising how well one can float and have a beautiful time even in shallow water.

The clouds were beautiful, and the Russian olive trees are in full bloom. I love to be enveloped by their smell, their beautiful little yellow flowers. The path to the canal is a delight of green alfalfa and beautiful fields.

Amelia, brought some homemade hummus for us to eat---which was very kind, because Bessie’s tooth is very tender, and hummus is soft.

There was some asparagus growing by the side of the ditch (Bess was brave and asked the man that sprays for weeds not to spray the asparagus a few days ago. So after sunning ourselves, Bess and Amila picked some.

All in all it was a good day, and Bess and I and Amila were happy to talk, and share a bit of our lives together.

She also brought some tomato plants. So when I got home, I had fun digging in the dirt, and planting the tomatoes.

I decided to plant several different tomatoes in different locations, some in my greenhouse, just so there are many places for my plants to grow. I also moved some other plants into my greenhouse.

All in all, it was a beautiful day, and I was happy to spend it outdoors.

Tomorrow Bess, Mom, and I are making a trip to the dentist, up north. So this is me, just saying hi.

I also thought, since there have been some beautiful things I’ve enjoyed.

I might share a few of them here.

One of them is called, a Shakti Mat.

Shakti Mat 

Bess found it online, and ordered one one ebay, and we liked it so much she bought another with a pillow.

It’s a little bit (I imagine) like laying on a bed of nails, but after the initial shock of it, it’s really relaxing, and rather soothing. Something that really helps me after a stressful day. It also helps relax my muscles, and I really enjoy it. My mom really enjoys it too. Probably uses it more than I do.

Another thing I’ve really enjoyed is Blue Lotus oil, I bought on Amazon. It smells amazing, and I find it very soothing. I only ordered it last week, but I like it so much, It seems special, and something that is worth sharing here. Blue lotus oil

Anyway, I think I’m going to sleep outside. Bess and I have set up our tents, and have been enjoying the cool evenings, off and on. The crickets are singing, and the cool breeze is wafting through my window, and it seems like the earth too, is singing. 

It feels like the earth is humming, and nature is showing off.

To decipher such a song, and sing it, how beautiful that would be.

I suppose though, that our inner knowing, already knows that song, and how beautiful it is, when were are in tune with it, and are able to sing it out, just as clearly as the mountains, and trees, and meadows, and flowers.

God's perfume.  A song you can smell, taste touch, and know, hear, and feel, all at the same time. 

The other day I thought that perhaps the clouds like being seen, and the trees like someone to sit beneath them. And flowers like noses to smell them.

And the ground likes my feet to feel it.

And water likes to feel me feel it.

Just as puppies love for me to love them.

All things love to be loved, and seen.

And it changes them.

Food, I feel, likes to be tasted, and enjoyed. Art appreciates being appreciated. 

Music enjoys to be be played, and heard. And ears enjoy beautiful sounds, and words.

And so, I feel all of us, God's art.

The summer, and seasons, and the stars, and everything.


Being seen. And I think they too, also see. And maybe, when the stars are being looked at.

They are also, looking too. 

Just as beautiful summer days seem to get more beautiful when someone is there to appreciate its many colors and shades, and smells. 

Sunsets glow a little brighter.

And eyes shine a little more.

Gifting something away as we show each other, the painted colors within the folds of our skies. 


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