It's so sweltering hot all the words are evaporating before I can type them out.
It's all just being saved in the cloud somewhere, as a draft.
And energetically, today, I feel like doing nothing, and everything. I'll have great plans, look at my projects, feel overwhelmed. Start something, and then get distracted. My goats have been getting out all day, munching on my current bushes, and gorging on all the sacred yard greenery.
I have been chasing them round and round, yelling at them like a crazy person. Oh the howlings, and growlings my neighbor's must hear........
I've been trying to figure out how they keep getting into the yard, (the goats---not the neighbors) with little result.
Round and round.
Hence I've decided that I'm posting about my two teeny quail. That seems about my speed today.
A couple months ago, I bought an incubator, and had fun hatching out chicks. I had them just about the right size to put out in a little pen to get some fresh air, when my dad's dog made quick work of them when my dad came over to get a hair cut.
I decided to forgo hatching any more chicken eggs.
I was curious about hatching out some quail eggs, so I bought some eggs on ebay, and only two quails hatched successfully.
I'm thinking in future, I will use a different incubator.
On a happy note, these two quail are darling. You hold them, and they fall asleep in your hand in odd positions. Sometimes they sleep with both feet stretched out, like big-bird. They jump like little crickets and zoom around like little moths.
The other day, I took them out into the living room, and they both shot under the couch. I thought maybe I might never see them again, as they could get caught in hair, or spider's webs.
With some coaxing I was able to get one out, and then squishing my head right next to the couch, I was able to talk to the other one, and get him out.
They make a soothing peeppepepep sound, like a wild bird. Much more soft than a normal chick's sound. They are very cuddly, for birds. I'm happy I hatched them out just because I enjoy them so much. I've been thinking of names for them. Buttons, and freckles maybe, but cricket, and fleck may be more appropriate. They'll probably go through a dozen names before one sticks. Anyhow this is about as much writing I can squeeze out, maybe I'll stop saving stuff in the cloud of drafts, and write more in future.
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