Friday, November 26, 2021

Crystal Singing Bowls

 So I've bought several singing bowls in the past, and I was never satisfied with the sound.  This time around, I decided to see if crystal singing bowls sound better than metal ones. 

My summery is. Yes. 

There are some metal ones whose sound is really amazing, as well. But the crystal singing bowls sound is ethereal, I can't help but be biased and like them better. Other than they can break a lot easier than metal ones.  I'm probably going to fill my room with them, much to my family's horror, as the sound drives them nuts. Hence, I may have to migrate elsewhere, as I could do this for hours---or until my arms get tired, and still enjoy it without getting bored. The more you play, the better and louder they resonate. 

The sound just fills the room. 

As an experiment, I put sand in them to see if the vibrations changed the patterns, but the sand all just globed into a pile. Then I tried filling them with water. The water was much more responsive. The water rippled with the most beautiful patterns, and the water bubbled and looked like it was boiling. Much like a humidifier effect. You may have to turn down the sound on your device, as the sound is all encompassing, and may buzz out your speakers.

These crystal singing bowls make a chord together---E solar Plexus, C Root Chakra G, Throat chakra.



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