Monday, October 7, 2024

Musical words.

 Dear blog, 

I keep writing stuff, and backspace. Writing stuff. Backspace. Save as draft. 





Music seems more eloquent. 

Had quite the migraine last night, so perhaps, maybe it's clearing old files. At least, I'll tell myself that. Maybe that's why I can't seem to put my thoughts down. 

Music has such a nice flow to it. 

So here's my blog post tonight.


It has encoded into it. 

It's own sound. 

Something beautiful. Emotion. Says things words can only hint at. 

Speaks to hearts.


Would our voices could covey our greatest truths.

And our words could harness the power of the heart in such a way, when we spoke, what we said had value, and life, meaning.




Something worthy to say.

And we'd use our breath beautifully, painting pictures of love. Tapestries of life, woven together, with every beautiful color we could find. Such a rug---Everyone could walk on and feel themselves. And know the ground of their very being.

A sharing of truth, a knowing, a being. A seeing.

Something so real, you felt your own realness.

That is the kind of conversation.

Worth having. 

Where the unseen within us, all is heard, and known. And we remember the truth we once forgot. And everyone was fed, and watered.

                And their souls flowered and blossomed with such musical words of truth.

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