Sunday, October 6, 2024

Stars that tell things

So I found this in my youtube newsfeed this morning. I don't believe in dwelling on fearful things if one can help it. And usually the news that's most important finds me. Instead of me trying to find the news. So many people just eat it, all the time. And a diet of the world news seems not healthy to consume.

I find my own news station every day, on what family members are dwelling on, and what and how the farm animals are behaving, and what the weather is doing.
And who shows up, and what shows up. 
And if there a theme, I pay more attention. And it seems quite interesting. Much more supernatural, and so beautiful at times.
Plus I find life has many difficult things, and lessons, so as to put ones focus on Peace as best as I can, is the highest point, for me, to dwell in. 

 But I found some of his thoughts very interesting. As I've learned some beautiful insights from the sky, and stars, and I've always thought the book of revelations very confusing. And disliked the fact that many humans in my life used the bible as a way to make one afraid, and as a way of control, and fear. Not to promote love, and goodness. So I've always tried to keep my heart open to heart, wherever heart is found. No matter the books. As long as heart is there, I feel it to be the truest thing I know.

As far as this being heart. More like crown, or head. I'm not sure. But this is is very interesting. It's quite long, so if you don't have time to watch it, the last half hour sums up the most interesting bits. I still don't quite understand it all, as I still find it confusing. When it comes to numbers, and timelines, and heady things, I have a harder time understanding, and paying attention.  I like the fact that something fixed, like the stars would have greater meaning in scriptures, than just man's words that can be altered, and changed to fit ones own ideas. And I would hope, that even revelations, like the story Jonah, that grace would be given, if enough hearts were open, and love would protect and cover love. And that God is always the one in charge. One holding the keys to all these things, and protecting and keeping safe all that is sacred. And good.


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