Some truths.
I love God.
I love Jesus Christ.
I know Christ's blood covers everyone.
Christ's covers me.
And Christ's blood covers you.
I know that my way of showing that knowing isn't always perfect.
I know love is the most powerful force of all the universe. And can heal all hearts.
That it can mend all that is broken. In me and in the world.
I know God loves me.
And I love God.
And I thank God for loving me.
For forgiving me.
Even when I've been afraid much of the time.
For teaching me the hard lessons.
Loved me, and given me grace over, and over again.
Waiting for me to see.
My mother.
My father.
My family.
Waiting for me to be brave, and speak the truth.
Waiting for me to give grace of my own truth, back to my mom, who has loved me, in the forms of all her children. Loved me. By telling me her truth.
Even if it wasn't comfortable.
Teaching me that love, comes from within. Always.
She's never been afraid of saying what she knows.
And I would like to be able to speak the kind of truth, that cuts lies.
And frees hearts from the bondage of lies.
To free myself from fear, and the ego's bondage, and cut down all the energies darkness, with the powerful truth, of love.
Unconditional love, even when I didn't see.
The grace of my father, protecting me. And all his children, in the best way he knows.
I pray, for wisdom.
To give my truth, to myself.
To see clearly. Without judgment what comes. And pray for eyes and a heart and mind of grace.
And know it is not mine to judge. But to love. And to speak that truth.
And to not judge myself, if I feel my truth is right to speak.
To not judge myself. Myself in other forms.
The truth.
To know the truth, and how to be.
So that I may more clearly see.
To live, the Jesus way.
For grace to cover the world.
For all things to be made new.
I have flaws, many.
Too many to count.
I see that I haven't always seen clearly.
But grace makes all things good. Heals all things.
Love protects. Love endures.
And that sometimes has been the hardest thing, is to go right to the place where your hurt came from.
And say the things that are hard to say to yourself.
I realized, I need to openly declare, here.
I dethrone anger, lies, and fear, as my Gods.
I dethrone the ego as my God.
And know, that love is truth, and truth love. And we all do are best by the light we have to see by.
And love does have boundaries, if it didn't it couldn't be in the truth.
It has law. Love. Otherwise it couldn't be love.
It has checks and balances.
And love protects.
It most of all, it does not judge. No. The heart gives. And Judgment is not mine. But Gods.
And love tells the truth. And many times it hast to tell the highest truth.
Of love. Without judgment of self or other.
For I have been given grace. And I pray to give it to myself in all forms. And when I haven't seen clearly, I pray for grace to cover those times when I was blind. When I couldn't see.
Love doesn't need to impress.
And love isn't afraid.
And love doesn't need anyone to worship it.
Love is still the most beautiful thing.
A heart-mind knowing, that we are one and many.
And that grace gives you eyes to see.
Even when it is dark.
I don't need to protect lies.
Nor please an ego.
I love Christ.
And I see, that my mother Grace.
My brother. Showing me what I have been missing.
To love the truth I must love my true self.
I must see my self.
I don't have to have other eyes looking to know that I am love.
I also know it is grace to be seen, just as a plant needs nourishment by water, seeing can be that.
As we are all dancing in form. All trying to live our truths.
We don't always need someone to hear, but it is grace to have listening, and seeing, and knowing. But to know that to see ones own inner being, is where the real is at.
I am loved, and made from love, and in Christ's love.
My ego is not God. Nor is my ego anyone elses God. Nor should it be. Nor should any teacher, or object, or parent, or king, or condition, or any musical instrument, no koto no matter how well it sounds be our God.
But that said, neither is my job to shame the dance of form, as it has taught me a lot. And I love the way music can make us feel the spirit.
My teacher has taught me many things. We've both had hard teachers. Life has shown us different truths.
And we've done the best we have to see by, by the light we had.
We are learning to love the music of God, as it comes, not judge it, and when we do, to give that grace too.
To forgive our minds, and hearts.
And ask for freedom from the mind's need to control. And ask God to evict the lie codes that we've not knowingly planted in hearts. And ask that love codes erase all wrongs, and ugly attachments, and fears, and lies, and ego hurts.
I ask for God's seeing, and love, and balance.
And thank God for Grace. For the wisdom of us all giving away love, in the way we know how. And Christ, oh blessed redeemer covers us. Frees us from bondage.
We students and teachers need grace.
Brothers and sisters need grace, husbands and wives grace. More grace.
And to me, a second chance to learn. And maybe that's what my life is about.
Giving second chances.
All of us need one. I know I need many chances...many. As this life is mysterious.
And I love seeing some of myself in another.
Having friends. Learning new things. Learning about myself. Learning what makes me afraid.
Learning music, has taught me how to be present in places where I wasn't able to.
And one big one, not to judge the ego either. As it is part of the play of form. But to not worship any one, or mind form, or thought form, or music form over, person form.
Only Christ, and his wisdom, and perfect knowing. That is what I worship. And love.
And I see as the masculine and feminine dance, we are all doing our best. Some of us give grace to form, and the form give grace to the formless. And sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don't.
I pray for wisdom to know how to navigate a vary angry person in my life. A family member whom, for whatever reason, needs much much grace.So much.
And I too, need grace to know how to navigate it, to not judge it. To understand anger. But not be controlled by it. I pray that whatever is imbalanced that I don't judge it, but don't allow the fear of it to control me. And that when I get angry, that I can also forgive myself. And ask for grace when I need to stand up to it, and speak truth, from my heart. And wisdom to know when to walk away. And pray this person remembers whatever they lost. That a missing part of this person finds it in Christ. That it no longer holds any more hearts captive. Any more. Never. And no minds control the heart, ego minds, ever.
And grace to listen. And forgiveness when we don't. And sometimes we don't understand like we should.
And sometimes, the pain is so great, I pray for a covering for all the things we have all done so unconscionably, judging what we could not understand. Or see. Because we lacked the seeing, and knowing.
And now, I pray as I see, a little bit more. That I do not judge, anymore. An that most of all, I do not judge the judgers. Or myself when I have judged. To love Gods play, in all its forms, and accept it.
With myself included in that. Not left out. To accept. But not worship. Only worship, that belongs to the real. To Christ, to love.
And know, most of us need more grace. That love needs grace, and the masculine needs grace, and the feminine need grace and the earth needs grace.
And our cities need grace, and all the corporate cities need grace, and all the heavy laws, and worldly things need Gods grace. And the workers need grace, and the lazy people need grace, and those in prison need grace, and those imprisoned in their minds need grace, and the crazy people need grace, and the not so crazy people need grace.
And the mind needs grace, and the spirit, needs grace, and ego needs grace. And our unconscious words need grace, and our conscious words need grace.
And our graceful hearts need it so very much. As sometimes it doesn't know how to stop giving.
So it also, so, needs grace. Grace for someone to help it see, where it needs balance.
And love, and acceptance. For the times it loves to much, and opens to wide. When more head wisdom is needed, to keep the doors safe, from letting in darkness.
Yes, there is balance. And I pray for that balance.
Not to judge spirit, not to judge beauty, or bigness or littleness. Or words. Not my job. But as it arises, I pray for courage to speak from my heart, truths spirit wishes to say.
Not to judge those who work to hard, or those who work to little. Or those stuck in video games, or those stuck in their houses. No.
And to love this, this beautiful thing of life, as best as I can.
And pray most of all, to not judge myself. And when I do, that grace will find me, and give me a covering. Someone to see, and love the them that is me.
To not judge the costumes as they are feathers, and beautiful and interesting, and the flavors, and everything is within the mind of God.
To love and the journey, of all that music we play and the poetry we make, and the stories we tell, are here. And the dance of form and formless is a beautiful thing.
Not for me to say how it should be. But to trust God. To trust that spirit knows best.
To not judge my words. And if I do, not to judge the judging. Or of someone else does, to forgive it. But we all do our best. And I hope we have grace for each other. And grace for grace. Which sometimes has a hard time knowing how to be and what to say, and all I know is that we need a great amount of wisdom, and forgiveness.
Nor do I judge it. As I see that form, and formless dance together. And it is not my job to say what is to be, and what is not. It is not my job. No.
As I navigate this, I pray for grace, and more grace. Less needing to control, and trust Gods perfect timing, judgment, and knowing.
For I don't see clearly enough. To know why of things.
And to know, that nothing except the highest knowing the highest truth, that we are love, should have power over the hearts of men. No.
No thing, or person, is capable of that. Only the divine, Christ. And that is his. Not mine.
No lies should ever have power over hearts.
Only Christ has that power, of all things, because he has overcome all things.
And Christs spirit should always point you to the truth.
Of living in Christ. The wholeness, and presence in it.
My ego words, building up a separate me or you. not God. No.
Christ. My is God. My lover.
The holy spirit, testifies of itself.
God's presence.
And has loved me. God has loved me so very much.
And in the space of holiness, I see yes, the holy father, holy mother, lover, father, holy brother, holy sister, holy friend, holy teacher, holy music, holy love.
When it is in the truth, of love.
That love that dwells in my heart, in my temple.
The space where union is.
The word of God is power. The truth. Always pointing to the father, son and Holy spirit.
There is no splitting, a union of truth, and love, and light.
No separate self to uphold, as anything.
The truth of Love is my greatest protection.
The shield of love, casts out all lies.
I dethrone the splitter and and cutter, the ego mind as my God.
And look to the higher mind. The God mind. Heartmind.
I dethrone lies as my God.
I dethrone the ego as my God.
Nor is it mine to judge.
But to let God be the one who sees, and has the wisdom and love to save the world.
And ask for wisdom to now how to speak from the heart, and mind of the divine. To be guided with wisdom always.
I serve Christ.
The holy one.
My love.
And ask the holy spirit to cleanse my heart, my mind, my body. My soul.
To protect me, and the world, and my family and cast out anything untrue in me.
And cleanse me from all my mistakes. From all the lies I have let in, or lived, or spoken. Anything untrue in me. So that the truth of my soul, and heart, and mind, and body and spirit, are free.
Free from any lies, planted within me unawares.That they will have no power over me.
No power at all over my heart.
No power over my mind.
No power over my spirit.
No power over any part of my being, no part of my soul. No part of my family, no part of my life.
I dethrone lies.
The lies that I let slip in and slip out.
I am loved.
I am love.
My being is good.
I am unafraid. My soul is unafraid.
I serve love.
I serve Christ, the God of all.
And ask that no other control power except Christ in me, keep my heart.
Now. And forever.
That my family my real family, and the world family be protected, and loved, and guided.
So that we all may see clearer. The divine. The one love.
Guiding us all.
For God is in my temple.
My heart is good.
My heart is Flawless.
My heart is pure.
My heart is in God's heart. The Heart of Christ.
Nothing can shake that knowing. No lies.
No lies, can hold love, from loving itself.
No lies can control love.
No. Anger, not fear, not life, not death, nor any powers in heaven or hell can stop the love of God from shining forth.
No demon.
No energy formed against love, will prevail.
Nothing can stop the love of Christ.
No lies.
My heart is Christs.
I openly give my heart to the highest thing I know. The love of God.
And ask God for protection from all those powers that try to control it, to posses it, to own it.
ask for God presence to heal my mind, and my heart, from the rift.
That no lies, ever control my heart again.
No ego.
No Judgment.
No untruth.
And ask the holy spirit to teach me, how to be.
How to live.
To let the light of truth set boundaries.
To honor love, and value it first.
And my teachers in life have sometimes very difficult. And sometimes I should have said no.
And yet, I don't judge that either.
But I ask for wisdom honor love first.
And ask God to set the boundaries so love is loved. And protected, and honored. That I can love myself, and they can love their-selves too.
And if I cannot say the truth, and live in truth then I ask for God to give me wisdom to know when we must part ways. So I can stay in love.
They can find their way to love, too, in time. But my ego need not be their only source.
I sometimes forget to speak well of myself. I want to speak good things always, about myself and others.
I sometimes act smaller, so others can feel bigger. I want to change that, and be whatever the lord wants me to be.
I sometimes don't tell the whole truth, when I know I should. I would like to have the wisdom be able to speak the truth from my heart. So that we are not so separate, from love.
And sometimes, when I write, I know it sounds like I know so much. Mostly, if goodness, and light comes from the words, they come from love, from God. Not my ego. And if there is power in them, it is only because they were true. Not my words. And if not in the highest, then they are just words.
The power is Gods. It always has been.
I know I pay too much attention to things that are not important. I don't judge that. I just want to pay love attention. And truth, and beautiful good things.
And yet, for all this.
I know God forgives.
And love is not something that can be controlled. Or earned. Or bought or sold. No.
Love is not something that listens to fear, nor is needlessly angry.
Love, Christs love, is my God.
And I have been blessed to know it, and to be loved dearly, and protected, by God's love.
Even though, I am not perfect. My separate self is not perfect.
But when I am in union with the truth, that is perfect.
And in that perfection, I ask God, to cleanse all the untruths from me, so my heart is free to love itself.
And ask God make me whole, and clean, and pure. To purify the temples of God.
I have let fear, and lies, and anger control me for away too long.
And most I all I ask God to lift judgment out of my life. And cover all of it with grace. To cover judgment too.
And to forgive when I protect lies without realizing that was what I was doing. Because I thought it was loving.
I want to be moved by God's spirit, if there is an action to be taken. To love myself enough to know when to step back. And let things be.
Or when I should move when I feel compelled by a higher, knowing.
I have bowed to fear, when I should have stood tall. I want to stand tall.
I also know that I cannot judge that either. As we all have.
When I should have set boundaries, but was too afraid, to let myself have them. I want to have healthy boundaries.
I want to love all of myself. The part that gives, and the part that receives.
I want to rebuked the darkness, for its lies.
And ask that grace be poured down over us all. Grace, for all we have done, or not done.
All our mistakes, and successes.
And ask for light.
By living in my highest truth.
Grace, when I should have spoken the truth.
And loved myself, wholly.
For love always protects. Love defends love. Love has boundaries. Love forgives itself.
Love speaks up for itself.
Love doesn't let lies in.
Love is valuable. And you don't earn it.
Christs spirit, the holy spirit of Truth, the fire, the knowing, the greatest truth that has ever come to me.
I witness of it.
That Holy spirit power is true.
Bigger than lies.
Bigger than fear.
Bigger than the mind, and might of man.
And it can cleanse us all, if we let it.
Christ spirit is not something an ego can control, nor the mind can hold.
God's heart the heart of Christ, has loved me.
And I have loved him.
And though, I have not been perfect.
God's love is.
And that is where I put my trust.
And my hope.
I know that Christs forgives.
And his power is within me.
And his truth is the God I serve.
As long as I live.
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