Monday, November 11, 2024

Family picture


Dear blog,

                I’ve been pondering many things. It feels like my thoughts have been all rolled up into a ball, and I, trying to unstring them, knitting a word.

                To find some pattern.

                To unfold wings of a higher knowing, that just what is seen.

                And to use what is seen to point to the unseen.

                To take a family picture.

                The family tree of my own love.

                To paint with my seeing, a picture only I can see from my view.

                And to bring into form, the spirit, which weaves us all together, all the time.

                Pointing to a unity beyond what our minds can understand.

                But our hearts know it.

                And so to sing the song of the invisible, visible realm where love brings to form, its own living truth.

                So as the photographer has the camera, she pans out so she can see her family. All the faces.

                Stands away from the group, waits until there is moment, when everyone is all together. All hearts entwined.

                When there is perhaps a moment, where she can see a view, that shows the vastness of God’s heart.

                And all eyes are focused at the camera.

                And the camera is focused on the eyes.

                And we are all looking.

                Taking a picture.

                Of what we see, from where we stand.

                And from where you stand, and what you see, depends on how clear your Lense is.

                Yet it is all part of the picture.

                The beautiful seasons within each soul, shining out the facets of God’s masterpiece.

                Showing depth, and color, and sound, and breath, and texture, and feeling, and knowing, and connectedness, and dark, and light, and shadow, and contrast, and taste, and touch, and music, and poetry, and spaciousness, and largeness, and smallness, the story of God, woven into this fabric of life.

                And the grace of God’s gift to be able to have a view, that transcends, time, and space, and the individual parts. To feel the heartbeat of God within.

                And know that we, though seemly separate, so unique in all our flavors, and hues, and walks of life, are in fact, made out of the same cosmic heart, enfolded into it, embraced by it every moment, of every day.

                And sometimes, as we sing in the choir of life, we take cues from the conductor, to know when to come in, to come out, to pause, to be silent, to sing.

                To remember words we forgot.

                But if we look, and listen, we hear the sound.

                A symphony that reminds us that we are of one body, one tree. One song.           

                And our sound is that of the heart of humanity, and Gods intwined.

                A family picture, a song, a musical score, a divine play, an epic story.

And we write what we see, and feel, and know.

                And sometimes the weather, and the light changes, so you might take a picture at dusk.

                But its not always dusk.

                And you might take one at sunrise. Or sunset.

                Or a night.

                But if you have a good camera.

                It can take pictures under all circumstances. Because you have enough lenses.

                And we seek in this life, as we look into each other's souls, a photographer that can take a picture of the realist part of ourselves.

                And bring to light the dark places we ourselves cannot see.

                To develop in the darkroom of ourselfs, a picture that tell us a truth. Hidden in all the most obvious places.

To remind ourselves of those things that you can’t see close up.

The love invisible that weaves the tree, the roots and branches and leaves together.

The family, our ancestors, ones in the spaces there, too. They are here, as well, helping to bring us together. To remind us of our roots, to remind us of what is important, beyond what is seen.

                To take note, of those obscure and beautiful things.

                And here under the tree. Standing with my brothers and sisters.

                So much to see.

                Take picture.

                Everyone holding hands.


                The abundance of Gods love and grace always providing, proving himself over and over gain, there standing right next to you, inside you.

                Right there.


                Spirit guiding you. Holding your sacred heart close.

                No distance at all.

                Never alone.

                Your family here, within, and without. Loving you, always.

                Snap a picture.

                Put it in your heart.

                So that you will always know, that the darkness is only there, to develop your soul.

                So you know how beautiful every part of God is.

                How beautiful the story.

                The fruit of love.

                A gift.

                A heart knowing that transcends mortal mind.

                Songs unutterable.

                But felt.

                A picture beautiful.

                A lense of Grace, showing you the hidden, and most beautiful parts.

                Hands holding you.

                God’s love and Presence enfolding you, in every moment. Loving you.

                A picture putting on your wall, and looking at to remind you.

                How big your family is.

                And how big God's heart is.


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