Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hair-larious helicopter hair in a windstorm!

Greetings from the windy city of salt, grit, and grassy fields.
But mostly it's wind, wind, wind and more wind. Okay, we've had day or two of not so much wind, and some days with zero wind. But where I come from, wind is what we get most of the time, which is kind not so fun. But a while ago, about Easter time, we had great fun with the wind. I took a video of  my sisters hair, in the updraft just above our door. It was so funny! I had to put the video on youtube to share a couple laughs.

Also my mom made nice wind kites out of plastic cups, and  bags(Yes cups) they catch the wind quite nicely when you attach strings to them, and the kids really enjoy flying them.The only drawback is that the kids usually let go of them and we had an abundance of plastic bags trapped in our trees, and plastic cups on our roof. Happy days of cleaning up. Seriously.

Well, this ittle bitty post is all I have time for, as I am trying to squeeze in writing time for my book. I'll post some more soon. I have so much to write about. I have no idea why I wait to squeeze it all into one huge post. But you know me. I'm random, and like it that way for the most part. :)

Hope all is well in your life. I've missed chatting with you.

Talk to you soonest and sooner


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