Thursday, October 17, 2024

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow


Dog star


It started raining on me in my tent, I heard the drops, and was enjoying the feeling of the ground, and hearing the water.
Then I saw a light.
    Bessie---"It's raining." 
I hear her rummaging. Starting to make sure the roof on my tent is secure. 
Light on the outside of my tent flashes around as she so thoughtfully checks the edges.
I peer outside.
The clouds are heavy looking, beautiful. It was raining quite a lot. 

It never really got dark because of the full moon.
It was so magical.
It was so beautiful last night, as it was coming up, against the clouds, white, and soft, and glowy. I dipped into the canal just as the moon rose, and it was so very cold, but so very now-ing, and so very cleansing to my spirit, and body, and mind.

 Since I'm up I thought I'd say hi.
I was rummaging on youtube, and found this interesting video. Very curious. 
It stands out to me for many reasons, one being because this year my sister and I had so many beautiful moments with puppies, and dogs, and humans, and also some very sad ones. I never wrote about it here, it I didn't know how... I still don't.
But to make brief attempt, three of our puppies ended up in heaven, and it was a very sad time. Yet, though I don't quite understand the whys of it all, yet. I do know that there is always grace, working in our behalf, always showing us something beautiful in all cycles of life, and finding ways to speak through all the sorrows of this world.
Then, not too long ago, our momma dog had some heart issues after she got fixed. We didn't know what was wrong with her for a while. We thought she might be somehow pregnant again. We didn't realize until it was quite dire.
 The vet offered my sister and I such love, and compassion, and didn't charge us for the vet visit, but told us, that Honey needed to be put down. 
My grandmpa had heart issues, and he started taking cyanne pepper, and lived another 20 years. 
So Bess, in a last effort to save her dog's life, started feeding her cyanne pepper. And a miracle happened. And I believe God saved her life, because she's a new dog. Even her personality seems altered for the better. She's no longer retaining water. She has a spring in her step, and zooms around, and is more friendly to me, and everyone.  She usually only loved on Bessie. But she's real sweet to both of us now. After seeing the before, and after, it's quite a miracle. And so beautiful to see life brought back into her. And her going on adventures with us, and just seems an entirely new dog.

I think love saved her life. And a little cyanne pepper.

So, saying I like to think of those whom we love, that have passed on, as beautiful guardians. Keepers of unconditional love. Dog stars, pointing us to our hearts, and to higher things.
Lighting up dark places. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Finished painting


I just added some finishing touches. This is a painting I just finished for a lady who asked me to paint a picture of the Japanese interment camp in Minidoka. 
I have seen many pictures of the interment camps that seem so gloomy, and I wanted to show that there is beauty to be found even in the interment camps of life---that there is beauty to be found even in the driest places.
Also, I added some kanji, on the left hand side. The first symbol means, To rise, or Rise. The second, Ashes. The third and forth symbols: To be reborn.
So the message of the painting, To Rise from the ashes, and be reborn.
Here's some photos.
I painted this entirely outside, and so enjoyed painting this. It's so much better to paint outside. 

After I posted the pictures, the song, "Somewhere over the rainbow" Came to me. And I thought, to myself. I think this painting should be called. "Way up High." As many times, in order to see our way out of a life, that so often fences us in, is to go higher up. To see through the eyes of a child.
Here's the song that found me. Actually my sister, showed me a different version of some teenagers singing it, in some sort of art museum. It was on facebook so I'm not sure how to share here. 

So here's a good one.




Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Another beautiful song

This is another beautiful song. It's quite epic. This song was inspired from someone who had a dream, and woke up with the words song in their head. 


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Autumn recordings

 So, my koto teacher had this idea to get a Folk Art grant in the works. As she would like to come to my house, so she can see me again, and so I can learn in person next year, for a week, and to fund some things like koto strings, and other things, and her trip here. I guess it's a museum grant from Salt lake or something. 

You know how I said I dislike being filmed. And I am trying to allow the flow of life as it shows up. 

So I said I'd try it.

I'm usually the one taking pictures. So hmmm. It's kind of humidifying. Auto correct. Humilifying. 


So she wanted me to make some recordings. I made so many. 

And there was so much wind the first day.

Second day, family was noisy, and so were the animals outside.

 This has been interesting. And so out of my comfort zone. 

As my house much noise in it, many times. And people are always coming, and going, and phones a ringing, and I'm not sure what else. 

I tried recording some outside.

Very raw. These are the two that sort of turned out.

Nature is beautiful.

But I did record something. 

They are so raw. I feel like such a beginner. One video my cat leapt onto the koto. Another video a train came honking its horn, muting the sound. A hawk calling. A sudden mini burst of wind, that turned my music pages.

And a couple times the koto string did a strange hum, that just kept buzzing---I've never had that happen before to the strings in the house. It was like it just kept going, and the sound was loud, and ethereal.

So anyhow. I thought I'd share them here. Imperfect as they are, and windy, and raw.

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